The CSP for Java Programmers series on developerWorks teaches us how to work with Communicating Sequential Processes, a framework on top of Java’s threading library…
To activate socket debugging in java, add the following to java_opts: -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n Then connect to port 8787 using your favorite debugging tool..
To set username and password on weblogic, add the following to JAVA_OPTS: (or whatever the new passwords are)..
The Java Blueprint solutions catalog has added a section on AJAX, describing how autocomplete, real time form validation, progress bars and pseudo-push may work..
Explains how to define a datasource connection for your web application using context.xml
A log4j configuration file sample.
Doing a select statement without leaking connections.
How to obtain a connection through JNDI.
This article provides an overview and introductory tutorial to the new concurrency mechanisms that have been added to J2SE 5.0..
In this article on the Eclipse website, Prashant Deva explains the new projection infrastructure introduced in the JFace Text framework and shows how to extend…