Using the instructions here, you can use GCJ to create SWT applications that are fully native, even if you wrote them in Java..
This article at developerworks describes how to use the new Look and Feels for JDK1.5, which include a metadata-driven look and feel controlled by an…
And this is why I think the eclipse platform is going to catch on..
I recently started putting together an archive of old stuff. There’s nothing that will humble you more than looking at old code from, say, 5…
Lately I’ve been fooling around with more platforms at home. I think now I have all the important ones represented (MacOSX, Windows, Linux and Solaris…
Linus has switched. He certainly does think different :-).
Finally I have a little time for myself and I’m setting up my solaris box at home. I have found blastwave invaluable. I am actually…
Gordon Moore (the man behind Moore’s Law) said, “You never leave a recession on the same technology that you entered it”. It looks like this…
In How far have we come?, Gary Pollice does a retrospect to assess how far we have come in software engineering methodology in the last…
Becoming great at what you do, in development as in other disciplines, involves practice. PragDave has compiled a list of Code Kata for you to…